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  • I strike each hour.
    But don't forget:
    You must not strike me,
    My good friend!
    (A clock)
  • I go at night and all the day,
    But I never go away.
    (A clock)
  • I have a face,
    I have a little hand,
    I have a big hand,
    My face is white,
    My hands are black,
    I have no feet,
    I can run. What am I?
    (A clock)
  • I have no legs,
    But I can run.
    I have no tongue
    But I tell everyone:
    "Time to start work!"
    "Time to go to bed!"
    "Time to get up again,
    You, sleepy-head!"
    (An alarm clock)
  • It's not very big,
    But it hangs in the middle of the room.
    In the daytime nobody wants it,
    But at night everybody needs it.
    (A lamp)
  • This is a house
    With one window in it,
    Showing films
    Nearly every minute.
    (A TV set)
  • I have legs - one, two, three, four
    But I cannot walk across the floor.
    (A chair)
  • If you want to get rid of dust,
    Then I'm surely an absolute must.
    From every corner and every hook
    I'll suck it out by hook and by crook.
    (A vacuum cleaner)
  • The funny fellow is on the watch,
    He doesn't sleep by day,
    He stands in our garden
    And frightens birds away.
    (A scarecrow)
  • What goes up and down at the same time?
    (A staircase)
  • What has two arms and four legs?
    (A chair)
  • What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean?
    (A blackboard)
  • What speak every language in the world?
    (An echo)
  • Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
    Three score men and three score more
    Could not place Humpty Dumpty as he was before.
    (An egg)
  • The outside is a shell,
    The inside is meat,
    It grows on a tree,
    And is good to eat.
    (A nut)
  • Thirty white horses upon a red hill,
    Now they tramp, now they champ,
    Now they stand still.
    (The teeth)
  • Hick-a-more, Hack-a-more,
    On the kitchen floor;
    All the horses, all the men,
    Couldn't drive Hick-a-more, Hack-a-more,
    Off the kitchen floor.
  • Old mother Twitchett had but one eye,
    And a long tail which she let fly,
    And every time she went over a gap,
    She left a bit of her tail in a trap.
    (A needle and thread)
  • Higher than a house,
    Higher than a tree-
    Oh, whatever can that be?
    (A star)
  • I went to the wood and got it,
    As I brought it home, I looked at it,
    The more I looked at it,
    The less I liked it,
    I brought it home
    Because I couldn't help it.
    (A thistle)
  • I know a little creature
    In a green bed,
    With softest wrappings
    All round its head.
    When it grows old,
    It is hard and cannot feel,
    So they take it to the mill,
    And grind it into meal.

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